Cam's had a rough transition getting back into the swing of things at school after the break. He just doesn't follow directions! It's so frustrating. We're constantly back and forth to the psychologist and it seems as if things are taking forever. We do have a prescription for an anti-depressant (it's what they give 5 year olds with ADHD), but it's still sitting in my purse. Damon and I were just not comfortable giving him anything at such a young age, but we were on the fence...Until we listened to this podcast. We found out the ADHD can't even be diagnosed until the age of 7 and they're trying to dope up my 5 year old. Cam is a young five who, in hindsight, wasn't ready for kinder and should have stayed in pre-school another year. So, no meds for least not right now.
Things with THE SHELF are fantabulous...Moving slowly, but fantabulous! Still mums the word, but we're getting closer and I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I WILL have some news by the end of the month, but until then here's some pics of the house we want.

Is THE SHELF your new book? If not do you have anything coming up?
Can't wait to hear more about whatever is so exciting.
The Shelf isn't my new book. I have been working on something for awhile now, but I need to finish my master's program first. THanks for asking though!
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