Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2nd Trimester-14 weeks

Today marks the beginning of my second trimester. I'm excited about this milestone because, of course, it puts me closer to delivery, AND, dare I say, I think I'm starting to feel a little better.

I got a new PICC line a few days ago, but unfortunately, it has a hole in it and needs to be replaced. I'm also taking less meds, hoping to wean myself, but I have been getting these migrane like headaches that are pretty bad. Although, I would rather have headaches than throw up all the time.

This weekend Damon, the boys, and I took a tour of the new 4 million dollar birthing center at the hospital where I will deliver. It was pretty fabulous and I can't wait to stay. There were huge jacuzzi tubs and labor showers, a pull out bed for the dads, flat screen tv's with dvd players and outlets to plug in your X-Box or Playstation (DJ and Cameron liked that part the best). They also had a great family kitchen with all kinds of goodies and snacks, and the best part...the rooms are for labor, delivery, and recovery! I won't have to move rooms after the baby is born. Needless to say, I was sold and Damon was as well.


Baby's family said...

Congrats on the milestone. Continue to take care of yourself, as we know you will.

The Lils said...

Wow! That place sounds great, makes me wish I delivered at that hospital or in my case any hospital would have done.