Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Update- 34 weeks part 2

Just got back from my Tuesday NST and I failed AGAIN! I even tried to eat a snickers while I waited in the lobby, but she was still a little lazy baby. It's not her fault, she's just hungry...

Before being ushered in for the required ultrasound I had the nurse check my weight and found out that I've lost 2 pounds. I told the DR and asked for an amnio at 36 weeks. He promptly said OK (if my cervix is soft and/or dilated) and pulled out his calendar to discuss a date! I didn't need to scream or cry or anything. What a relief. So as far as the amnio is concerned we're looking at the 20th or 21st. If her lungs are mature he will induce me the following week! I'm praying that everything goes in my favor so that I can finally have some relief.

Everything is happening so fast and I've got a lot to do to prepare. After my appointment I stopped by work to let my principal know what is going on. I got the dates for professional development and he found people to set up my classroom for me. I hope the next couple of weeks just speed by.


Baby's family said...

I hate to hear it hasn't gotten better. You are definitely in our thoughts! Although I understand your want and need to go early, if you get to go before me, I may kick, scream, and cry! I hope all goes well and let us know if there's anything we can do!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well- but I must say I am happy to hear that the new baby girl might be here sooner than expected.