Saturday, May 16, 2009


On Thursday I left work a little early to attend parent teacher conferences at Kayla's school. I knew that she was having problems, possibly failing, but I didn't know the extent of the issues. Now I do. After sitting down with her teacher and reviewing her latest progress report I mortified to say the least. 50% in math, 23% in reading, and 18% in writing. I nearly cried once the conference was over. Needless to say I'm retaining her in 1st grade. . There's no point in watching her struggle in 2nd grade, when she's still lacking Kinder skills. We're going to be working with her military style this summer, but 2 months is not enough time to make up 2 years worth for missed academics. I'm the reading and writing front line and Damon will be math. I'm going to be pulling Kinder and 1st grade curriculum and we'll start with the basics- letter and number recognition, then moving on to phonemic awareness.

I'm just hoping a spot at my school opens up for her, so I don't have to enroll her down the street at the new school my company is building. But, we'll see.


casselle said...

Oh wow! I am so sorry to hear that she isn't do so great but lucky for her you and Damon are A+ teachers who will help her along.

Jessica Garrett said...

I feel for you and think it's SO admirable that you and Damon are taking this girl in:) I don't know if you've heard about the intensive summer reading programs offered at U of D, but it looked good to me and I've heard good things about them. If you wanted to look into them the website is:
I'm sure the interaction with you and Damon will help move her right along- I applaud you guys, for real!!!

Baby's family said...

Let us know if there is anything we can do. You all are saints for doing this and I know they will all appreciate it!