Goodbye, Michigan! You guys have NO IDEA how long I've been waiting to say that! We're moving to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at the end of June and couldn't be more nervous and excited at the same time. Jobs have been secured :
(I will be a Dean at Inspire Academy, the new school my company is opening in August)
The boys will be attending the primary school that funnels into Damon's school and we've sent down the application fee and deposit for our rental home.

This huge turn of events really makes a big dent in THE LIST.
35 before 35
1. own my own home (again)
2. spend my wedding anniversary on a beach
3. finish my masters degree
4. get THE SHELF
5. put THE SHELF in an office of my own
6. relocate to the South
7. decorate my living room
8. have a real dinner party
9. learn to French braid
10. make Thanksgiving dinner
11. finish that third novel
12. take my kids to Disney World
13. go out on New Years Eve
14. celebrate homecoming at TSU
15. “Would Ya Like it” in the rain
16. Have date night once a week
17. Visit Washington DC
18. have a picnic with wine and cheese
19. wear red lipstick
20. go Up North
21. grow a plant
22. make a cake for a loved one’s birthday
23. restore a piece of furniture
24. attend a Broadway play (does not have to be in NY, although that’s a bonus)
25. get rid of all unnecessary debt
26. eat healthier
27. answer the question, “What’s wrong?” honestly, the first time.
28. institute a new family tradition
29. take a cooking class
30. Find the perfect school for Cameron
31. Learn to let go
32. Invest in great pics of the kids
Numbers 4 and 5 will also be crossed off, but I'm waiting until July (or whenever the school is finished) for those. Number 3 will be complete in December, and we hope to cross off Number 1 after a year of living in BR.
We've been so busy lately with cleaning up, throwing away, posting on Craigslist, and trying to finish out the school year strong. We still can't decide if we want to move ourselves of if we should stick with the company we've hired, and we're planning a get together for family and friends to say goodbye.
Congrats on the dean position and on D's new job. I am sure you two will love the move down south. Enjoy!
So happy for you, although we will miss you!
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